The Star Shooter

Story of the Star Shooter (by Louie Ferrer)

  In a long distance from Earth there was a space ship, Star Shooter, with four crew members. One of the four is a medic called Maya she was the best medic of the world (Earth). The second crew member is called Gaige she is a mechanic she was the best she would repair anything. The third crew member is called Laith is a journalist that was so interested about space that he wanted to go to space for a mission. The best of all of them is Axton he is the captain. All of the rest think Axton is a normal but so little do they know.

Day One,
  Nothing to see but rocks until they see something in the horizon another planet that a very strong gravitational pull field they instantly fell 100 mph to the mysterious planet. They went outside with their space suit then found that it had oxygen so they all took their helmets off and explored they found a jungle and a giant lake in the jungle it got dark very soon so they set up a camp with wood and leaves also they made a fire to keep them warm while they sleep at night on the mysterious planet they called Nexus.

Day Two,
 They woke up and found a surprise that nothing happened to them. So they explored more to the mysterious planet they called Nexus. After they got out of the jungle they found a cave so the marked it of at their map and went back to their space ship and got a few things like torches, helmets, ropes, ruck sack and more. When they got back to where they marked they found that it was not there anymore so they kept on looking and explored even more further on Nexus until they found a swamp biome so then they found some living creatures not like the one’s on Earth so they started on capturing some of the creatures after they capture some of the creatures they went back to the Star Shooter and rested.

Day Three,
They all woke up and explored more of Nexus with more gear. So they started exploring and went back to jungle and found that more of the strange creatures have moved to the jungle so they went back to the swamp and found that most of the creatures are a lot bigger then before so they captured the bigger ones and went back to the Star Shooter’s lab and took some test’s on the bigger creatures and found that they adapt to their environment quicker than you can cook a pizza in a oven. So they dissected one and found that they can regenerate quickly also they multiply by four so they leave them and put them in a cage and rested and left the testing for anther day.

Day Four,
Once they woke up they went to the lab and saw that all of the creatures have multiplied by thousands and they all have escaped o they had to capture them all and take them all out side to Nexus. So then Laith took one to the lake they found at day One and put one of the creatures in the water and found that they adapt so quickly and it almost looked like a fish. Once more they go exploring and like before they found a giant cave and this time they came a prepared and this time they went in and found that the Nexus cave system is well built and they also they found new ores of elements so they took some for testing on and went and made a temporary shelter and rested.

Day Five,        

... to be continued each day....

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