Messages to home

This contains messages (emails etc) from ship occupants to family and friends on Earth.

Dave, Chief Engineer (at the outset of the mission)
A new beginning or a repeat of the past. The journey we are about to partake is the first of its kind to be attempted in history. The historical and scientific significance of this single event will permeate throughout the entire expanse of human existence. This step in space exploration brings about the next giant leap for mankind. 
We have been tasked with the honour of attempting to travel through the vast void of the universe to a new home. A planet which known as Gliese 581 g, which will be the first colonisation of a planetary body outside of our own solar system. We travel there on the basis of extensive scientific and technological research accumulating in all the planning which we have in place.
Our space craft (-------------), is equipped with the latest equipment in space technology. This craft could only have been produced due to the commitment of all participating nations in a united front to send humans to Gliese 581 g. The first craft to commence Earth’s, humanitarian and peace keeping mission into the entirety of the universe.               
Throughout, our mission data will be collected on star and planetary bodies; to be plotted in the new mapping system, STAR (Spherical Trajectory ARray). In the hope of mapping out the celestial grandeur of the universe; in a way which was inconceivable to our ancestors. 
Personal reason for taking this mission varies on an individual basics but the underlining reason carved in the very existence of the human race is; to explore, to learn and, to understand. I for one believe that this is more than just a journey into the unknown but a chance for humanity to start afresh. It will force us to make decisions on issues which plagued existence since records began. However, the question will linger whether anything will change for the better.     
Contemplation of one’s existence can be a troubling issue. The constant lake of reasoning and understanding of the world causes people to choose between various solutions. Which all have their purpose but can result in a hindrance to the development of knowledge in various manors.
One such thing that has been a continual dead weight dragging progression down; this of course is religion. There are many forms of religions throughout history, from having many gods for all sorts of things from the sun to warfare, and cultivating into the major religions of the modern world. Each of these holding the view that there is only one God, with some exceptions the most notable one being Buddhism.
However, all religions remove the need to continue on the quest for understanding and knowledge because people blindly choose to accept that there are or is a supreme being which has power over everything. Religions allow people to manipulate the peasantry, compelling them to be obedient due to fear. This does not apply to Buddhism on this sense. This is due to the supposed existence of a place of punishment were those who do not do as they are told will be banished for eternity.
A positive aspect of faith would be that we could promote the ideal of; ‘Be without fear in the face of your enemies. Be brave and unright that your god may love thee. Speak the truth always, even if it leads to your death. Safeguard the helpless and do no wrong – that is your oath’. If those aboard follow this oath, their lives and the lives of the generations to follow would be beneficial to the promotion of humanity.   
This analysis of religion is bounded by Earth, the question is what will happen to religion in the duration of the journey and once we arrive at the new world. The continuation of such unjust religions can only be justified for a need for all humans to come to terms with their own existence. This is because everyone needs something to believe in, this is the case even if they do not truly recognise it themselves. 
(by Adam White)

Anonymous crew member (during early stages of the mission)
Yesterday I realised that I have made a mistake. During the excitement and busyness of the preparations for the mission I was so looking forward to it. I had a vision of the future, a pioneer spirit of adventure and expectation. However, now that I am sat here on the ship travelling 20km further away from you every second, a rate that will vastly increase in the future, I realise that I want to get off and come home. I know that this is not possible but with all of the extra time I have to think about the growing distance behind me and the blackness ahead I regret my decision more and more.
I don't have much to say right now. We had plenty of time to talk before I left and I did not value it. I even wish that I had not said some of the things that I said. 
The despair is growing across my mind like a shadow. I know that the ship psychiatrists can easily chemically-modify these feelings but just for now I feel like wallowing in them as they surround me like a warm blanket. Sorry.

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