Central Characters

Asteroid Adventures Characters

Jason. Entertainment. 20s

Lola Family person. 20s

Dave. Chief engineer.

Jennifer “Jo”. Chef.

Alexi. Pilot.

Trev. Resource officer.

Conrad. Chimp.

Michael. Cook.

Chris. Medic.

Calvin. Security.

George. Chemist / stowaway.

George. T. Mark   
“This Statement was made predating of  the disaster on the ship “S.T.A.R Earthracer” Found in a written journal the only existing record of the background of stowaway  G.T.Mark”

“Dear Journal,
Have been in this cell about... i don’t know, a long time. This ship was my ticket off that dyeing rock, but by the sounds of the officers that keep me in this hole, it is apparent i will be the one knocking at deaths door. Looks like i dint count on the fact that there were only so many Cyro pods, the judiciaries will properly just decide to through me into the vacuum of space, much cleaner way of being rid of me. They are having one last fuel off this asteroid then they are putting everyone to sleep, and the going full speed ahead.
I guess now im near the end i can look back at what got me here, i was not born with a silver spoon in my mouth. Unfortunately my parent had decided to settle in a back end town called Dartford, even writing its name makes me want to wash (something that in this cell has been denied to me). So i had to make my own way up, i tryed hard at school and got through to university where i did my honours in chemistry. I would of been a fine upstanding chemical engineer if it was not for me getting caught high as a dam kite in my car on the day of my graduation. Spent 6 months inside for that, and to top it off because i was a convict no one would hire me. So that’s when i got in deep with drugs. I made the strongest meth in London, of course that gets you in trouble with the wrong people, and trouble was what found me.
Thankfully i heard of the S.T.A.R voyage coming up, so i high-tailed it to the S.T.A.R elevator faked my way aboard posing as the ships chemist and hid. Only thing though i dint know that there was only enough cyro pods for one chemist, so now i find myself in this position, in a cell waiting to die. I had better chances back on earth.
Only chance now is for that last mission to the asteroid to go bad so a cyro space opens up, but what is the chance of that happening.”

“Journal entry ended, 5 hours before an alien virus came aboard S.T.A.R Earthracer” 
(by George Martin)

Shanise. Vet.
I graduated from Cambridge University, with a master’s degree in veterinary medicine in the year of 2044. I didn’t know where to go with my degree, as it was still a decision to be made, so I decided to complete a 2 year internship at a small veterinary practice, to help me make up my mind. Although I enjoyed my time there, I knew it wasn’t for me and that I needed something with a bit more adventure involved. I often thought about going into veterinary practice with wild animals, travelling the world and helping endangered species, but my specialism was domestic animals, and I didn’t have the time or money to go back to university to complete a post-graduate degree.

            In the year of 2048, the year in which the last tiger on earth died, I was called to serve in the in an armed conflict after almost two decades of cold war. By this time, I had served in the royal veterinary corps for almost 2 years, and had been promoted as captain of the 108 MWD squadron after my probationary year.
After the war, a peace treaty was signed which declared that all nations were to partake in space exploration. It was then when I knew what I really wanted to do. When the position came up on the ship that was going to colonise a newly found planet: Gliese 581 g, I jumped at the chance, and completed a year’s astronaut candidate training, in order to qualify for the space mission. It was then when my career really took off.
(by Emily Harmon)

The Captain (always referred to as the captain, no other name. No reference to gender?)

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