Ship name: ?
Uses STAR (Spherical Trajectory ARray) navigation system.
Operated by genetically-modified chimp
Antimatter as high energy store for high
acceleration once outside of solar system.
Methane fuel systems that use fuel harvested from asteroids.
Hydrogen fuel systems that can use hydrogen generated from
water (from comets/asteroids) using solar power while still not too distant
from sun.
Ion drives. Accelerate ions behind ship. Similar to
current low power drives on Dawn
spacecraft but with much greater power.
(1) A living environment based within a rotating cylinder of diameter 200m and length 300m, affectionately known as the toilet roll. The rotation would provide appearance of an Earth-like gravity on its inner surface, while up closer to the cylinders axis the "gravity" would be lower.
Revolving cylinder to create 9.81m/s2
acceleration on inner surface so that occupants experience “gravity”.
Higher floors reach towards centre and get progressively
lower “g”.
Radius =100m. Length 300m. Inner surface area = 102600m2.
4 floors interspersed by 3m gives about 400,000m2 area. About 400m2
(20m x 20m) per person.
9.81ms-2 achieved by a spin of 0.313 rad/s = 3revs/min.
This can be increased or decreased to acclimatise for planets that have different gravities.
Inner 5th floor for sleeping. “Gravity” here will
be 87% of Earth g.
Central area is for storage, low g research, low g asteroid
operations training and zero g recreational area.
Low friction joints with non-revolving parts of ship by magnetic
One way system for walking around circumference reduces
appearance of crowding and helps to overcome angular momentum lost due to
(2) A ring of cryochambers for storage of frozen life forms including humans appeared as a ring isolated from the rest of the ship so that the cold of space would reduce the need for energy to keep it cool.
(3) A farm module using sunlight in a hydroponic system that would grow plants for food production as efficiently as possible.
(4) An asteroid mining module that would be used to mine resources from asteroids.
(5) A recycling centre. The ability to recycle almost all materials produced from activities on the ship was essential for survival.
Aaron Worrell's designs:
The whole ship head on
The ship from an angle
Animal cryogenic containment
Hydroponic Farm
Farm (from different angle)
Farm (from different angle)
Farm (from different angle)
Farm (from above)
Asteroid Resources Seperator. Showing rock saws.
From different angle showing conveyor
Human cryogenic centre
By Shannon Moles
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