History 2012 to Launch

The history from 2012 to 2093 concerning the state of the world leading to development of the mission will be presented as a series of news reports. Media used will change as technology advances.

News Reports
2020 - website
(2028 – Asteroid comes close to earth) – America and Europe Auropa unify under one governing body after the economic collapse of the West.  Russia is an independent nation, in an alliance with Israel.  Planned manned mission to Mars abandoned after America accused of sabotage of China’s space mission.


Breaking News – 2028
We interrupt your current broadcast to bring you breaking news on the planned formation of ‘Euromerica’.


We can now confirm that the final details of the federal union of Euromerica have
been documented and signed by all nations involved. This dramatic step has been
in the works since the disastrous finance collapse, which sent western nations
into a downward spiral of decay.     


Plans have also been announced for the first election of the Federal Union of
Euromerica Grand Council. Voters across all of Euromerica will elect
representatives for their nation. However, it has been confirmed by the review  
committee that Russia has removed its position from the newly formed union.
Lets hear from our political correspondent out in Moscow.


Details have been leaking out of the kremlin for the past hours. It is clear that Russia will not be part of the Euromerica union, but will increase the centralisation of power behind the governing body in an attempt to re-patronise the Russian Federation. This situation would leave use in a situation of three world powers. The newly formed Euromerica, the Russian Federation, and the People’s Empire of China. It is unclear what this will result in, in the years to come.

Breaking news - 2029     
Tensions have risen today with reports that the People’s Empire of China has cancelled their program for manned travel to mars. This being the last remaining program after the financial catastrophe of (----).


It is believed that the facility housing the entire program including all the equipment required for the program, has been destroyed. It is unclear how this terrible event occurred but a statement has been made by the People’s Empire of China.   


‘This unconceivable event has come to pass clearly due to the efforts of intolerable plague known as the Federal Union of Euromerica. Out of clear spite they have attacked us in order to prevent scientific progress. These actions will not be tolerated and will be meet with the full force of the People’s Empire of China.’   

2034 – hovering screen
(Asteroid came close enough to Earth to cause damage including a large fragment falls on Shanghai and destroys some satellites.  East/West conflict)
2050 – personal wrist device
Peace treaty was signed after almost 2 decades of Cold war, after 2 years of armed conflict, and commits every country to be involved in space exploration.    

Emily: Heres the latest news report…
Marx: After almost 2 decades of cold war and 2 years of armed conflict, the peace treaty has been signed.  Russia has finally agreed after 3 months to sign the treaty which has committed every country to be involved in future space exploration.
Emily: The planned manned mission to mars which was abandoned back in 2020 is being reconsidered under the treaty, but no confirmation has been made.

2060 – screened into our minds
Regeneration of manned mission to Mars project.  Development of construction on Mars and space tourism (e.g. hotels)

Construction Of Space Tourism News Report (by Thomas Fifield)
Reporter 1: In other news today, < (Space Program)>has announced that they will be placing in a request to the US government to allow construction of buildings on the Moon and Mars.
Reporter 2: For all those people who have wished of roaming the stars and going into space, that dream may not be too far away.
Reporter 1: The request that was submitted to the <(Government)> was said to contain 3D computer generated images showing the exact size and measurements of the buildings.
Reporter 2: Yes, But with this massive plan comes with a hefty price tag and has seen to request the < (Government)> for over 500 billion dollars to cover all of the cost. < (Space Program)> has explained that this is the future of mankind and that the earth can’t hold the entire Human race forever and we need to find new places to live.
Reporter 1: Recent discoveries <(Space Program)> have made over the past few years have been phenomenal after the development of STAR (Spherical Trajectory ARay) have given us an open mind about the universe and other ones that may surround us.
Reporter 2: They have also travelled through the vast void of the universe and made the discovery of Gliese 581g. The first discovered planet outside of our galaxy.
Reporter 1: This will be a massive achievement to < (Space Program)> but for the everyday person you’re going to need a lot of money because they are saying the average hotel/house will cost around £800,000.
Reporter 2: < (Space Program)> have also stated that if the buildings become such a success on the moon that they may even consider doing this on mars. < (Space Program)> have said that there is a secret project that they are currently working on which will link with the construction but they can’t say what it is.

News Show 2060
Newsreader 1 (Emily):
And now for our headline story.
Newsreader 2 (Marx):
After its abandonment in 2028, China’s manned mission to Mars has been reborn, in an international form.  The Democratic Empire of China, Euramerica, and The Federation of Russia have combined to resurrect long-forgotten hopes of scientific discovery. 
Emily:  The United Nations Space Programme (UNSP) hope to have this mission under way in the next eighteen months.
Israel have vetoed all votes o the UNSP on religious grounds. 

Construction Of Space Tourism News Report

Emily: In other news today, UNSP has announced that they will be placing in a request to the US government to allow construction of buildings on the Moon and Mars.
Marx: For all those people who have wished of roaming the stars and going into space, that dream may not be too far away.
Emily: The request that was submitted to the United Nations was said to contain 3D computer generated images showing the exact size and measurements of the buildings.
Marx: Yes, But with this massive plan comes with a hefty price tag and has seen to request the UN for over 500 billion Duros to cover all of the cost.  UNSP has explained that this is the future of mankind and that the earth can’t hold the entire Human race forever and we need to find new places to live.
Emily: Recent discoveries UNSP have made over the past few years have been phenomenal after the development of STAR (Spherical Trajectory ARay) have given us an open mind about the universe and other ones that may surround us.
Marx: They have also travelled through the vast void of the universe and made the discovery of Gliese 581g. The closest discovered potentially habitable planet outside of our solar system.
Emily: This will be a massive achievement to UNSP but for the everyday person you’re going to need a lot of money because they are saying the average hotel/house will cost around D800,000.
Marx: UNSP have also stated that if the buildings become such a success on the moon that they may even consider doing this on mars. < (Space Program)> have said that there is a secret project that they are currently working on which will link with the construction but they can’t say what it is.

Unveiling of space elevator.

The idea proposed by Konstantin Tsiolkovsky in 1895 has finally been realized today when the UNSA (United Nations Space Agency) completed the testing of the Elevator. We all remember the day when the Cable Rocket took the original cable up those many years ago, but now Scientists have declared the Station, or ‘Celestial Castle’ as stated by Tsiolkovsky, safe and inhabitable by humans after many years research on prolonged living in space.
The space elevator will allow deep space exploration to become easy, as ships will not have to enter or exit the atmosphere, as it is a large waste on fuel for the ship.
The idea of using asteroids for supply replenishment during travel is an idea that has been researched for many years, and is almost a certainty that it will happen soon.
Also, with the station now in-place, planning for a deep space station is underway, as a possible base for future human colonization. Astronophysist, and UNSA Chief, Robert Gregg coined the idea, as he believes that it will be possible soon, with the rate of technology, we should be ready to begin build within the next 20 or so years.
Primary building of the station in the sky will be completed in the next few years, as docking bays, and living quarters are added to allow multiple ships to dock there. Also, building of ships will commence once dock has been created. Also, officials will allow tourists up once the station has been properly qualified safe.

The History of the Space Elevator is a long one, with the initial idea being created by Konstantin Tsiolkovsky in 1895. It is a transportation system, to allow the movement of resources and people through to the upper atmosphere.
It consists of a cable, tethered to the earth at the equator, that was beyond Geostationary Orbit. It is a tensile structure, meaning that the weight is at the top of the structure. The top of the structure acts as a counterweight from the earth, to keep the cable under high tension.

Alternatives that may be incorporated:

In 2012 a consortium of billionaire innovators including search engine leaders and a film director, start a project to map, probe and eventually mine asteroids.
2020s: The first small scale mining operations begin on near earth asteroids.
2030s: The first refuelling stations opened on near-earth asteroids. They also begin to produce materials for ship repairs and component manufacture. First experimental Space elevator produced and tested.
2040: Robotic systems begin to run similar operations on several asteroids within the main asteroid belt. A range of space elevators produced at various locations around the equator.
2040s: The first manufacture of spacecraft at near-Earth asteroid factories. This obviates the need for huge amounts of fuel to launch spacecraft.
2050s: First minisettlements on moon
2060s: First minisettlements on Mars. Covered areas generating own sealed in atmosphere.  Terraforming operations begin.
2070: Ship assembly begins, largely by materials from near Earth asteroids.
2080: Selection of Pioneers to crew Goldilox mission to colonise an exoplanet.
2085: Launch of mission.

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